Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam in Charlotte, NC?

Dogs are like family. As a dog parent, you want to know what’s going on if your dog gets sick so you can take care of them. For instance, what does it mean when your dog is throwing up white foam? Here are a few serious and not-so-serious reasons why your dog vomits white foam.
Healthy dogs sometimes vomit white foam after eating something that disagrees with their tummy. Maybe your dog got into the trash or ate a lot of grass. Dogs can also get indigestion from eating too quickly. You may need to get a specially shaped food bowl that makes your dog eat slower. Indigestion isn’t life-threatening, and your dog should start to feel better after throwing up. But if your dog’s stomach appears bloated, can’t poop, or act in pain, call your vet immediately. Bloating is a more serious condition and could be a life-threatening situation.
Acid Reflux
Another non-serious cause of vomiting foam is acid reflux. If your dog’s stomach is irritated from too much stomach acid, it causes acid reflux. Typically, this condition makes a dog vomit before breakfast. You can help your pup by serving smaller portions and more frequent meals. If this doesn’t help, ask your vet if you can give your pup antacid medication to help reduce acid reflux.

Heat Stroke
If your dog gets overheated to the point of heat stroke, they’ll vomit white foam. Other symptoms of heat stroke, along with this, include:
- Diarrhea
- Drooling a lot
- Red gums
- Collapsing
Heat stroke can be deadly for a dog. Contact your vet immediately. If you live in a warm climate or during the hot summer months, follow these tips to prevent your dog from getting overheated.
- When your dog’s outside, ensure a bowl of fresh water and shade is available.
- Never leave your dog outside too long on warm days; usually, temps over 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Never leave your dog in a parked, unattended car. It can be deadly for them.
- On hot days, keep your older dogs in ill health inside the house in the air conditioning.
- Walk your dog in the cool of the morning or evening.
Dogs sometimes gobble up gross things off the grass or sidewalk, such as bat or bird feces. This type of poop contains harmful pathogens that cause fungal infections. These infections can make your dog sick and vomit up white foam. If you suspect your dog ate something bad, immediately make an appointment with your vet. They will run tests to determine if your dog has an infection. They can also give your dog antibiotics or antifungal medication.
Dogs with an inflamed pancreas tends to vomit a lot. Besides vomiting white foam, pancreatitis symptoms include:
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Pain
- Gastro problems
Your vet can diagnose whether your dog has pancreatitis. They can treat this condition with medication.
Kennel Cough
Upper respiratory illnesses like kennel cough cause dogs to throw up foamy white liquids. Kennel cough produces lots of mucus and liquids. If you’re unsure if your dog is coughing up mucus or vomiting white foam, watch your dog’s stomach to see if it contracts. If their stomach contracts, they’re vomiting. This is less dangerous, but it might be good to contact your vet for a proper diagnosis.
Eating a Toxin
If your dog eats a toxic substance, such as cleaning supplies, medications, or plants, they’ll vomit foam. Watch for other symptoms, such as
- Shivering
- Trembling
- Weakness
- More vomiting
These symptoms could indicate poisoning. Contact Animal Poison Control or your vet immediately.

An obstruction in their stomach, such as a small toy or a piece of bone, can also cause a dog to vomit foam. This is a serious situation. If your dog continues throwing up and seems to be in pain, contact your vet immediately.
Kidney Problems
Kidney problems are common in older dogs, but an infection, dehydration, or toxins can also trigger this condition. Kidney problems progress, leading to kidney failure or permanent damage if not treated. If your dog is constantly drinking water and urinating all the time, plus vomiting white foam, contact your vet. They will run tests to determine if your dog has kidney problems as well as the extent of those problems.
Eating Human Foods
Many human foods are unhealthy for dogs. Even if a food isn’t toxic, it can cause an upset stomach causing your pup to vomit. Human foods that are too spicy, salty, fatty, or sweet can lead to stomach problems for dogs.
What should you do if your dog vomits up white foam?
If your dog is vomiting foam, try to determine the cause. Look around the house. Did your dog get into the trash can in the bathroom? Did they eat human foods, or was there medication lying around? Once you find the source, call your vet or the poison control center to ask them what you should do. They’ll give you instructions and may also suggest you watch for other signs, such as:
- More vomiting
- Lethargy
- Pain
- Diarrhea
- Confusion
- Constipation
Your vet may suggest you bring your dog in to see them. They can run tests to determine what’s happening and how to treat it.
As a dog parent, you do your best to care for your pup. But dogs sometimes get sick or get into things that upset their tummies, causing them to vomit white foam. As troubling as it is when your dog is sick, it may not be life-threatening for your dog to vomit foam. Usually, if they’re sick, they’ll have other symptoms such as diarrhea, lethargy, pain, confusion, or weakness which alerts you to contact your vet or poison control immediately.
If you have any questions about your dog throwing up white foam or their health in general, give us a call at (704) 275-2109 or schedule an appointment online!
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